For Medical Devises business, product profile, registration dossier, formula card, product, product classification, product indication, licenses, vigilance and multiple importation/exportation regulations of sourcing and business market for each individual product shall be well-controlled to avoid risks elevated from mis-interpretation of local regulation that triggers higher cost (product cost, man-power and resources) and undesirable company risk.
Project 3專注於醫療器材審查解決方案:
1. 根據產品目標市場與客戶充分溝通。
2. 分析目標國家審查法規,提供產品註冊建議。
3. 客製化易於閱讀的審查報告。
4. 客戶清楚掌握產品在目標市場審查規定。
Project 3 expertise